
الحضارة الإسلامية وعلاقتها بحضارات أخرى

  • Categories IslamReligione
  • Duration 2h 40m
  • Total Enrolled 0
  • Last Update November 24, 2021

About Course

Free online course, aimed primarily at Muslim religious personnel, especially those who have attended PriMED project training courses. The course is proposed within the project PriMED - Prevention and Interaction in the Mediterranean Space, funded by the Ministry of University and Research. Misunderstandings, prejudices and misinterpretations in communication and coexistence can arise between people from different cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds. These problems are based on gaps in anthropological knowledge, superficial experiences, and hasty conclusions. A different approach can uncover common aspects that can be of help to all.


Relations and exchanges have characterised the history of every civilization for centuries. No civilization can be considered as isolated, and the ways in which it has developed and continues to change do not only come from within. Especially Christianity and Islam, as universal religions spread all over the earth, have always mediated with peoples of different cultures and languages. Today, in particular, each religion has to face the challenges of scientific and technological modernity, which through ‘globalization’ has reached every corner of the world. In some respects, these are challenges shared by traditional faiths in the face of great and rapid change, but each of them has its own particularly problematic areas that call for reinterpretation on the basis of new knowledge and new questions. Intercultural and interreligious dialogue can help believers of different faiths to get to know each other and work together for the benefit of the whole human race.

What Will I Learn?

  • If properly conceived and managed, questions about 'others' also become self-reflection and open up otherwise unimaginable horizons of knowledge and action.

Topics for this course

3 Lessons2h 40m

Islamic Civilization and Its Relationship with Other Civilizations?

Relations and exchanges have characterised the history of every civilization for centuries. No civilization can be considered as isolated, and the ways in which it has developed and continues to change do not only come from within. Especially Christianity and Islam, as universal religions spread all over the earth, have always mediated with peoples of different cultures and languages. Today, in particular, each religion has to face the challenges of scientific and technological modernity, which through 'globalization' has reached every corner of the world. In some respects, these are challenges shared by traditional faiths in the face of great and rapid change, but each of them has its own particularly problematic areas that call for reinterpretation on the basis of new knowledge and new questions. Intercultural and interreligious dialogue can help believers of different faiths to get to know each other and work together for the benefit of the whole human race.
First part 00:43:32
Second part 00:49:40
Third part 00:45:07

About the instructor

Paolo Branca


Paolo Branca si laurea in Lingua e letteratura araba presso la Facoltà di Lingue orientali dell'Università Ca' Foscari Venezia nel marzo del 1982, con una tesi su "Aspetti del Modernismo musulmano degli anni '50 in un'opera di Khalid Muhammad Khalid", elaborata al Cairo nell'autunno del 1981. Ottiene nel 1984 una borsa di studio del governo egiziano tramite cui continua le sue ricerche al Cairo sul pensiero arabo contemporaneo, intervistando anche Muhammad Ahmad Khalaf Allah, pioniere dell'esegesi coranica moderna. Si diploma e perfeziona in lingua araba presso l'Istituto per il Medio e l'Estremo Oriente (IsMEO) di Milano, dove poi insegna.   Dal 1989 è ricercatore in Islamistica presso l'Università Cattolica di Milano. Ha insegnato Lingua araba e Letteratura araba a partire dal 1994 in varie università, tra cui Torino, Pavia, l'Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose di Milano e l'Università Cattolica di Milano, dove dal 1998 è affidatario del corso di Lingua araba (poi Lingua e letteratura araba). È stato relatore in numerosi convegni e seminari di studio presso varie istituzioni tra le quali: Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, Institut du Monde Arabe - Parigi, Accademia della Guardia di Finanza - Bergamo, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa - Roma, Université de Lausanne, Università di Pisa, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Università di 'Ain Shams - Il Cairo (Egitto). Nella sua ricerca si dedica ai temi classici dell'islamologia: il rapporto Islam-mondo moderno, in specie per ciò che riguarda il fondamentalismo e riformismo musulmani. È membro del comitato Scientifico di Oasis[1]; di SeSaMo (Società Studi Medio Oriente) di cui è stato socio fondatore ed è presidente; e del Comitato per l’islam italiano, stabilito dal Ministero dell'Interno.
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1 Courses

0 students


Material Includes

  • A Common Word (pdf)
  • Marrakesh Declaration (pdf)
  • Video


  • Knowledge of Arabic language

Target Audience

  • Muslim community leaders
  • Religious personnel
  • Imam, khatib, murshidat