Islamic Civilization and Its Relationship with Other Civilizations?

Relations and exchanges have characterised the history of every civilization for centuries. No civilization can be considered as isolated, and the ways in which it has developed and continues to change do not only come from within. Especially Christianity and Islam, as universal religions spread all over the earth, have always mediated with peoples of different cultures and languages. Today, in particular, each religion has to face the challenges of scientific and technological modernity, which through 'globalization' has reached every corner of the world. In some respects, these are challenges shared by traditional faiths in the face of great and rapid change, but each of them has its own particularly problematic areas that call for reinterpretation on the basis of new knowledge and new questions. Intercultural and interreligious dialogue can help believers of different faiths to get to know each other and work together for the benefit of the whole human race.
Third part

Informazioni sul Corso

Fra persone che appartengono a differenti origini culturali, linguistiche e religiose possono emergere  incomprensioni, pregiudizi e fraintendimenti nella comunicazione e nella convivenza… problemi basati su lacune di conoscenze antropologiche, di esperienze superficiali e conclusioni affrettate. Un differente approccio può far scoprire aspetti comuni che possono essere d’aiuto a tutti.


Prof. Paolo Luigi Branca, Professore Associato di Lingua e Letteratura Araba presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.